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Delhi VAT – Speedy disposal of all refund claims

Department of Trade & Taxes
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
(Policy Branch)
VyaparBhawan, LP. Estate, New Delhi.
N o.F.3(378)/Poi icy/VAT/2016/761-775
CIRCULAR NO. 15 of 2016-2017
Dated: 3/10/2016

Sub:-Speedy disposal of all refund claims.

In terms of section 38 of the DVAT,Act 2004 and rules made thereunder, all refund cases pertaining to the wards/zones are required to be disposed off by the concerned Ward Incharge/Zonal Incharge within the stipulated period of two months. In the wake of ever-increasing pendency of Refund cases, directions of the Hon’ble High Court and with a view to provide impetus to the disposal of Refund cases so as to put them on fast track, it has been decided at the departmental level to dispose off all pending refunds in a time bound manner as detailed below.

(A) Refunds upto Rs.50000 – Within 02 months.

(B) Refunds of amounts between Rs. 50,000 To Rs. One Lakh – Within 04 months.

(C) All Refund cases upto Rs. Five Lakh – Within 06 months.

(D) All other pending Refund cases – Within 12 months.

All the Ward /Zonal Incharges are hereby directed to submit a weekly report from now on to the CVAT containing inter-alia details of refund cases cleared by them. Any dereliction of the above directions shall be viewed seriously.

Spl. Commissioner (Policy)